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Bishoujo Mangekyou 4: Tsumi to Batsu no Shoujo
Pomelo and 2 others reacted to Arcadeotic for a topic
Euphemic Translations presents: Beauty Kaleidoscope 4: Girl's Crime and Punishment / Bishoujo Mangekyou 4: Tsumi to Batsu no Shoujo Title: Bishoujo Mangekyou -Tsumi to Batsu no Shoujo- | 美少女万華鏡 -罪と罰の少女- Developer: ωstar (Omega Star) Official Site: http://www.omega-star.jp/ VNDB Link: https://vndb.org/v19182 Translation Site: https://arcadeotic.wixsite.com/euphemictl Description Yuuma is on leave from school since being hospitalized due to a certain incident. He reunited with his beautiful twin sister Yuuri for the first time in a year and began to live with her, but he had a secret that he could not tell her: he is deeply in love with her. When that secret came to light, love turned to madness and he was assaulted... Team Project Lead Arcadeotic Translator Arcadeotic TLC - Editor - QC - Proofreader - Ending Note For now, only I will be working on this project until the TL is 100% completed.3 points -
The 3rd Tsurezure's Project: Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai
Fateism and one other reacted to littleshogun for a topic
And here's the final update for Hoshiori, in which we finally have Natsuki's patch released. Go get the patch at their website here, and have fun. As for Tsurezure's next plan, we still wouldn't know yet but whichever plan it is we should appriciate them for being able to translated three good VNs. So congratulation to them, and thanks for their hard work at seven months here.2 points -
How about instead of assuming people who play exclusively play English VNs can read Japanese, you explain what the line is supposed to say and where the error is? In any case, I stand by my assessment. A couple throwaway lines don't result in the entire VN being difficult to understand.2 points
What are you reading? Untranslated edition
Veshurik and one other reacted to Fred the Barber for a topic
For my first serious foray into reading untranslated stuff, I've been reading Koi-Kakeru Shin-Ai Kanojo for the past week or so. I've frankly been surprised at what an easy time I'm having getting through it; apparently years of osmosis through editing and the occasional grammar reading helped more than I realized. I like most of the heroines, though maybe not the main one, tbh, and I'm looking forward to seeing whatever ending the true route has that's made so many people angry over the years. The foreshadowing is interesting, and the first big hint at deeper problems lying under the surface immediately after they (finally) show the OP video set a pretty promising hook. The humor is great, and the writing is enjoyable even when the main character goes off on monologues talking about the definition of literature. The longest one of those so far brought back fond memories of a similar scene from Majo Koi—and it's almost shocking how many shared themes, topics, and just little quirks there are between the two. I guess Niijima Yuu really writes about Niijima Yuu-ish things. After this, I suppose I'll have to read HatsuSaku or Summer Pockets... though at this point I find it hard to imagine Niijima Yuu writing about any season but spring, so I imagine I'll find both of them a little odd. The music is nothing short of phenomenal. Mizutsuki Ryou has my undying devotion. My favorite track is probably Ayane's song, but honestly, all the music is so good that I get excited every time the BGM changes and I get to hear yet another beautiful song that I've somehow already grown nostalgic for.2 points -
Site Work 03/17/19
Nandemonai reacted to Tay for a topic
Update 1 (12:45 AM EST) Technical issues have caused a hiccup in tonight's upgrade process. Going to ping Nay and we'll try again later today. For now, the forums and front site will be put back online. Original Message: Forums Going Offline at 12:00 (Midnight) EST In approximately 1.5 hours (at the time this goes live), the forums will be going offline for an unknown amount of time so that I can perform an outrageous amount of updates and fixes. I will announce when the forums are back online on our Twitter account (link). Please panic, and may the VN gods have mercy on our souls. (Aside: after the forums are updated -- or irreparably broken -- I will also be working on the front site. Once that's done, if I have any energy and strength left in my body, I will try and make a post updating the community about recent events which have caused my absence, and briefly touch on ways we can move forward.) < 3 - Tay1 point -
I'm impressed you would go this far to point out errors. I can't imagine that image was easy to put together.1 point
What are you playing?
nekofuwafuwa reacted to adamstan for a topic
Today I finished Multi's route in ToHeart. Well, I understand those who say she's best girl. She's moe incarnate You just wanna take her home Route was short, but very enjoyable, with some heartwarming and a bit tearjerking moments, as well as a sweet epilogue. I'm not sure if it was the best, but certainly in the top. Also, if I'm not mistaken she's one of the first AI/robot-girl heroines to appear in VNs? Especially of the "too human" kind. From the VNs that I've read, both Ame from Dal Segno and Yumemi from Planetarian seem to be her descendants in some ways.1 point -
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai patch out
Mr Poltroon reacted to Stormwolf for a topic
That will depend on your definition of accuracy.. This is the key to all this and i'm amazed how people bother arguing. We all view it differently and absolutely no forced attempt at persuasion or ridicule will make anyone change their minds. Personally official Americanized vn's belong in the trash and after watching so much anime with literal translations, that is what i greatly prefer. But that is my opinion and it will differ for almost everyone.1 point -
Plk_Lesiak reacted to AkaBaka for a topic
KICKSTARTER || Twitter || Demo || Discord Genre: Story/decision driven VN/RPG Overview: CHROMATOSE is a stylishly immersive Visual Novel/Role-playing Game with emphasis on meaningful decisions, character relationships, and a compelling story: You've awakened in a strange nightmare after a fall that should have ended your life. Around you are amnesiac strangers who are also trapped in this world for their own unique reasons. Escape the collective nightmare in 12 hours or never wake up! Emphasis on meaningful decisions, character relationships, and a compelling overarching story. 10 bittersweet stories about redemption and personal growth, each with their own unique, colorful world! A unique, rapid-fire card battle system that interweaves the relationships that you build with how effective you are in combat! A colorful, ultra-stylized artistic direction, drawing inspiration from Catherine (ATLUS), Persona 3 (ATLUS), and the Monogatari (Nisio Isin) anime series! Loaded with difficult choices that significantly affect gameplay and lead you to one of the many endings! Experience 16 possible game setups based on your personality quirks! Click here to see the Kickstarter!! Development progress: Currently in active development with a live Kickstarter, public demo available (2+ hours)1 point -
Yeah, my bad lol. I was joking (I threw in that "commit seppuku" to mellow down my po
Infernoplex reacted to kokoro for a status update
Yeah, my bad lol. I was joking (I threw in that "commit seppuku" to mellow down my post, but oh well. Thanks big boy.1 point -
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai patch out
kokoro reacted to wyldstrykr for a topic
also NSFW warning also the thread became cleaner1 point -
Hello, Dracu Riot editor here (for the fan group — I do not work for SP). Things got pretty messy, and I've basically just been a spectator to it all, as frustrated as everyone else (or probably more so. God, do I ever want this translation to see the light of day). I can't tell you exactly what happened, nor can I tell you exactly what is going to happen, unfortunately. What I will say is that what stalled Dracu Riot is not tech work, nor is it translation/editing/QA. In fact, basically nothing has happened in the last year. The situation has changed somewhat recently, though it will still take a while before this means anything for potential readers, sadly. Let's just say I'm hopeful that we will hear more about Dracu Riot sometime this year, but I'll make no promises this will actually happen. I know that's not very encouraging. Make of this what you will, and set your expectations accordingly. I haven't played the daito patch since the initial partial patch way back when, so I can't really say if it's better or worse than the leaked DR patch. But I will say that we corrected thousands of mistranslations in the DR patch between the leak and when we completed our work on it last year, as well as edited the rest of the routes. The mistranslations ranged from minor mistranslations that didn't correctly capture character tone or got a word or two wrong creating incongruities in conversations (many lines felt like non sequiturs), to severe errors that heavily impaired your understanding of action scenes, or on some occasions, entire plot points. A couple examples of this were the climactic moment of the Elina route (utterly butchered) and the initial confrontation with Giordano (his entrance was very confusing).1 point
snowbell55 reacted to Nandemonai for a topic
Oh, that's easy. Those projects aren't "basically finished", and Sekai has terrible project management skills. People will put up with fan patches that are glitchy, require people to install locale support for a language they don't even speak just to run the game, and has a kind of crappy presentation cause the 'patch' is made by hacking the executable so there's lots of little engine issues. People will not put up with that kind of thing from a legit company. The customer base will be like 'what the fuck, dumbasses?' and the licensors may be offended at how poorly their products have been treated. A crappy release like Leyline or Hoshizora does more than just make Sekai look inept. It also tarnishes the reputation of the licensor by association. They aren't likely to be fans of that. Sekai seems to repeatedly suffer from issues that ... to put it charitably... speak to a lack of experience managing IT projects. The sort of trouble Sekai is having is what happens when you have incompetent management. Incompetent rank-and-file employees produce one kind of bad result. Incompetent management produces bad results that are often far worse, and larger scale. Take Leyline for example. 1) Sekai should have known there were untranslated lines in the product. Why didn't they? Because they fell victim to one of the classic blunders: they made a small change after testing was finished. I.e. they shipped an untested build. 2) They should have known better than to ship a game where, if they ever patched the game's script, the engine would delete saves and make people start over. This is a technical limitation they absolutely should have known about. They don't seem to have considered the high likelihood that this engine limitation would vastly complicate their lives. 3) The first two items combine very poorly. Releasing a build that is untested has been known to be playing with fire for a long time. It drastically increases the odds that you're going to have some kind of problem. Hell, this is so well known that in some places I've worked, doing that is grounds for termination. And when you know that, if you do have a problem, it'll be an enormous clusterfuffle to fix it, then you either fix the engine before releasing it, or you be extra super careful to make sure it's perfect before it goes out, so you won't ever have to update it. Here, they decided it would be too much work and delay the project too long to try and rework the engine. (Not without reason; look at how long the delay was once they had no choice but to do it anyway.) That's ... not exactly 'fine', but sometimes you have to go with the least bad option among your bad choices. But then they did something that increased the odds that something would be wrong with the scripts. Something that's widely known to be a terrible idea. Or take Hoshizora or Chrono Clock. Both of these games shipped with localization issues severe enough they decided to redo it. Well, how did that happen? How did this not get caught much earlier in the process? It would have been a lot cheaper and quicker to catch these issues after (say) 5% of the game text was done.1 point -
9-nine-:Episode 1 coming January 31st
kokoro reacted to Fred the Barber for a topic
One thing that's become abundantly clear to me from all of this is that people have different preferences. I've never yet met a localization professional who made a controversial decision simply out of childishness, or to try to stick it to part of the fan base. We just each have our own preferences and our own beliefs about how we think the work should be done. I already gave my explanation here, as to what we did in this case and why: The one thing I want to add to that is, a lot of people seem to have taken screenshots like the linked one out of context and misunderstood the nature of the translation decisions we made. It's my hope that people will read the explanation I provided earlier and maybe get a little clearer picture of the reasoning involved. My personal belief is that this decision went a long way to help capture the playfulness of the character. I'm obviously aware that not everybody feels that way, especially over on good ole 4chan... Personally, my ideal translation probably looks something like the work being done on the Dragalia Lost mobage, which is widely praised for the quality of the English localization and which takes often extreme liberties in the name of writing a compelling English script. I'm amazed at every aspect of the localization: the creativity, the consistency, and the sheer fun of it. It's the kind of work that I both enjoy to read and aspire to do myself, even if maybe it isn't the kind of work that a subset of the English-reading VN fan community prefers. So if you see something you don't like in something I work on, before you dismiss it as a "bad translation", I ask that you give me the benefit of the doubt by first asking, "Is this an outright mistake, or simply a point where I disagree with their localization decision?" And if it's the latter, maybe consider that you can probably get over that and move on, the same way I get over it and move on when I'm reading the 95% of VN translations which are intent on making decisions I don't agree with, like keeping honorifics.1 point -
Kusarihime 腐り姫 ~Euthanasia~ [Liar-soft]
Chronopolis reacted to kivandopulus for a blog entry
Foreword: I already chose another game for review in February... but in the end just could not ignore this huge pillar of today's visual novels. Without Kusarihime there would not be Saya no Uta, Cross Channel, Fate/stay night and Higurashi, so it's significance for the history can not be overerestimated. Title: Kusarihime ~Euthanasia~ Developer: Liar-soft Date: 2002-02-08 VNDB link:https://vndb.org/v37 Youtube walkthrough:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J_joeqKri0&list=PLs4Gp5VU4Fv9h7u5e_7ePpWZ28i2PWbxd Synopsis: After the mysterious death of his father and his younger sister Juri, Itsuki, now suffering from amnesia, moves back to his hometown with his stepmother. There he meets an enigmatic young girl dressed in a crimson red kimono named Kurame, and the two soon become friends. The strange thing is, Kurame looks exactly like his younger sister Juri... On the surface, Itsuki's family and friends all appear to be rooting for his full recovery. However, deep inside, they also seem to be burdened with secrets and guilt about the past. In the span of four days, Itsuki's memories will slowly return as he struggles between his loss and his fear of the truth, until the fourth night, when the whole world becomes blanketed under a red sheet of snow and wrapped up in the silence of death.... Structure: 10 cycles x 4 days Length: 10 hours Game type: Mythology rural human drama mystery. Difficulty: It's easy to get some ending, but not so easy to get the desired ending Character Design rating: 10/10 Protagonist rating: 10/10 Story rating: 10/10 Game quality: 10/10 Overall rating: 10/10 There are as many as 5 reviews, plus reddit impressions, plus very curious spoiler theory-crafting thread (1 2 3 4 5 6 7), so pretty much everything is said there already. So what I intend to is to tell you without spoilers what this visual novel is about and why you must read it. And it's very difficult to talk about Kusarihime without spoilers. Let me present an imaginary dialogue of my consciousness after reading Kusarihime trying to persuade my skeptical other self reluctant to try it. - So, first of all, Kusarihime is neither a horror nor a nakige. It's a rural story about a boy who looses memory and comes to his home town to try to regain his memories. - How convenient! We've seen dozens of such stories by 2002 already! What's special in it this time? - One thing is that game is looped over the same four August days - That's not exactly a new thing. I remember at least three games with loops before 2002. - But the second thing is that it's not a game about chasing girls. No heroine gets her separate end. - That's weird. Is it some all ages game or something? What is there if there aren't heroine routes? - Each heroine actually gets one of those 10 time loops to focus attention almost exclusively on her. That provides ample opportunities for presenting H scenes. - So there ARE actually heroines routes, they are just hidden inside some of the loops. What makes it different from usual nukige or charage? - Heroines here are not isolated inside their stories. They pierce all the loops, and each heroine story only helps to reveal the mystery behind the protagonist past. - Oh, the "mystery". Something about the promise made 10 years ago? - Absolutely not. First tier of mystery is about stray girl Kurame who looks just like protagonist's deceased sister Juri. Second tier of mystery is about protagonist's family overall - he had a father, a mother, a sister and a dog - all dead by now. The third tier of mystery is about the loop itself that ends with red snow falling, usually after some impactful violent events. - Oh, so people die in here? Any guro as well? - Thanks to loop concept it's possible to introduce any number of deaths here and then rewrite everything with another loop cycle. There is no guro. - Pff, so even deaths happen not in the real world. Why should I bother reading 10 imaginary stories? - Well, deaths actually affect same characters in next loops greatly. And count the characters - only half of the stories are loosely focused on some character. The rest of loops are focused on past or give hints to the listed mysteries. - Oh, the "mysteries" again. Btw, what does this weird title Kusarihime ~Euthanasia~ mean? - Kusarihime is translated as "rotting princess", it's the local legend about a girl in red kimono that causes certain people die. That girl's name is Kagame. And the stray girl that's found in the forest is given name Kagame by protagonist, but he can not explain why. As for "euthanasia", it's also a mystery. Here's dictionary definition: "Euthanasia is the termination of a very sick person's life in order to relieve them of their suffering". - I know what it means, thank you. So I get the concept of the game more or less. But what makes this game so special? - Soundtrack, unique graphics style, great directing with lots of flashbacks and insertion of sudden scenes from other times, use of frequently moving figures on the screen instead of sprites, stunning stories of each girl, mystery plot loopholes as basis for replay-ability or theory-crafting. - Ok, enough! Might give it a look if I find the time in my busy schedule. No promises, though. Overall comments: I consider Kusarihime ~Euthanasia~ to be the first intellectual visual novel in history. It attracts not thanks to thrilling plot, great characters or superb visuals. It creates a multiple layer mystery where different parts move in their own pace cross-referencing each till sudden resolution. Reader is required to remember or re-read early scenes to fill some parts of the puzzle and make his own guess about the rest. In that way it can also be called the first interactive visual novel.1 point -
What are you playing?
ChaosRaven reacted to AustriaVNFan for a topic
Phew! Yesterday I finally finished ChuSinGura46+1 and wow, was that a long one! And while there is no doubt that this VN can be called epic it was also far from perfect. Although many aspects are hard to judge because of one thing - the horrible translation! Now I am really not very strict about translations. If I see little errors here and there I don't mind. But this TL (Steam version) was extremely bad. Most of the times I could imagine what the translator was trying to tell me but there were points where it was just gibberish. I am not a native English-speaker but I am sure it would have been a lot better if I had done some proof-reading. It seems to me like this was translated by someone whose native language is definitely not English. But I will try to still be objective about the game since the translation is not really a part of it. About the story: The VN is about the MC shifting back in time to the timeline where the story of the 47 ronins happens. He lives through that happening 5 times (5 chaptrers) and uncovers a conspiracy surrounding the events. While lots of the events and acting characters are authentic the conspiracy thing is fiction AND of course the 47 ronins being almost exclusively female is also fiction. Other than that many historic details are integrated in the story. The story is usually quite exciting to follow and uncovering the different happenings in the various time loops and getting to know each of the ronins is fun. The sword fights and duels are also well made and well placed, not too many of them so that it never gets boring. But there are also a few moments where the story seems to drag on (for me mainly in the 3rd and 5th chapter). The conclusion of the story is technically well made and fun to read although I still think there are many questions left open and things unexplained (but perhaps it was the bad TL?). In the romance department I have mixed feelings. I played the Steam all ages version and the romance with the heroines (each loop has a different love interest) seemed ok although sometimes the MC seemed extremely dumb (especially in Yasubee's route) while Chikara behaved totally strange in her route (she seems completely different in the other routes). It was also the first time in a VN where I was asking myself if I missed something because of a cut out h scene (4th chapter) as the relationship between the characters seemed quite different afterwards (don't want to spoil who it is ) The cast of characters is HUGE! And they are well drawn and interesting and likable (well, most of them). I really enjoyed the diversity of characters in this game and there are still new characters showing up in the 5th chapter. I liked these 4 characters most: Yasubee: She was the only main heroine I really got into. I liked her honesty and clear principles, but also her cool-headedness when needed and I think her route was the best. Sayo: She was a very sharp and cute character. How she always gets her point across and realizes what's going on is really cool. Well done making such a young character so interesting and enjoyable! Fuwa Kazuemon: A pity she didn't get highlighted more. I found Fuwa a very funny character with her wild manners. Yet, although she seemed so unruly at times she was probably the most loyal character of all. Shimizu Ichigaku: An beautifully drawn character that perfectly fits the role of the villain. I liked her looks, her behavior and also her voice acting. Simply awesome! All that said I wish there would have been a bit more of an epilogue. I was surprised that the game ended where it ended Oh and btw. this is actually a kinetic VN. There is one choice (ha, that was almost shocking ) in the third chapter, but that's it. So, I will be moving on now to read https://watercress.itch.io/this-was-for-you before I start another long-term project!1 point -
[April Fools Topic] How has the day been so far for you?
Kenshin_sama reacted to Fiddle for a topic
My day is going fine.1 point -
Birthday thread
Kenshin_sama reacted to Narcosis for a topic
I don't celebrate my birthday anymore, but thanks anyway1 point -
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai patch out
Nandemonai reacted to kokoro for a topic
This image has a mixture of straight-up errors and just poor TL choices that aren't technically wrong but are pretty bad in context. I tried to stick to posting lines that the majority of people would think "That's bad" upon seeing. There were a decent number of lines that I considered bad, but not did not include because I could see some people arguing that it was just a liberal translation or something. So really, this image is me being fairly generous. The smoking gun of this image is that this is all in the first 20 minutes of the game. Specifically, I watched two Japanese "lets play" Daitoshokan videos, each 10 minutes long on autoplay. Reading normally, it would take maybe five minutes to get to this point. There's this many errors that early into the game, and it hasn't even started yet. This is the tip of the shit iceberg. Five minutes into a like 30 hours long game. There's 29 errors compiled in this image, 1800 minutes of game divided by 5 is 360 chunks this long, this number of errors times 360 is 10,440 errors. At this rate, the game will have 10,440 errors in total. Nearly every other line has some issue, and every third or so has a straight up TL error. If we're being generous and fiddle with the math such that it takes 10 minutes to get to this point, we can lower it down to about 5,000 errors. But like I said, that's being generous. Ouch. Unfortunately, this is what happens when someone with a weak grasp of Japanese translates something. They have to guess a lot, and they rarely fully understand the point of a conversation, so they make mistakes. Constantly. Daitoshokan is that in a nutshell. CREDITS: QUOF1 point -
A pretty random mix of VN addicts from all parts of the medium. For Japanese untranslated (non-nukige), I'm the one you want to ask. For EOVNs, probably Plk_Leslak right now. Feel free to post requests for suggestions in the recommendations section... someone will inevitably bombard you with their favorites. Edit: I'm a burnout who has probably played more untranslated Japanese VNs than anyone else on the site. I won't say that absolutely though, since there are a lot of lurkers and inactives who might have snuck in and played more, lol.1 point
9-nine-:Episode 1 coming January 31st
nekofuwafuwa reacted to Fred the Barber for a topic
Mm. Sorry it's not to your taste, but she uses unique-to-her, made-up nicknames for her brother, so when she does that, we localized them. That particular line has her call him "nii-yan", for example. Translating them helps her come off as quirky in English, the way she comes off as quirky in Japanese. If it's any consolation, literally every time she uses everybody's favorite actual word, "onii-chan", it's just transliterated as "onii-chan". Nicknames are still the weirdest hill for VN fans to die on, honestly...1 point -
Another name left the scene - RIP minori
Noumi Kudryavka reacted to nekofuwafuwa for a topic
Eeeh... Yes and no. I played Supipara and I can say that there is a bigger plot behind the scenes, which we didn't get the chance to see it complete but that's not very explored in Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 anyway. (We see only hints and a brief dialogue at the end of each episode about it. I suppose that minori would invest in this plot more at later episodes.) Vol. 1 Covers Sakura route. Vol. 2 Covers Amano route. So you can play these as an standalone Charage just fine, they are fun by itself if you like games like this. But for the true Nakige experience that Supipara was supposed to be, sadly we needed all the 5 Episodes.0 points -
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai || a good librarian like a good shepherd || 大図書館の羊飼い *Summary* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This walkthrough is based on the Fan Translation of Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai by Library Shepherd and leaked by their editor linktriforce007 on Reddit. It was originally released in Japan by August in 2013 This VN has 5 main heroines and 3 sub heroines. An Anime Series was also adopted and broadcasted in 2014. *Description* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When he was young, Kyoutarou wanted to read all the magic books in the world, but they were all in the magic library. Someone told him that to get there, he must be kind to everyone and bring happiness to their hearts. He received a bookmark, which was his entrance ticket to the magic library. One day while heading to school, he received a text from the shepherd (hitsujikai) telling him that his fate was going to change. He had a vision of an accident at the tram station and helped prevent any injuries by calling away a nearby girl. That girl, Tsugumi, later came to the Library Club room, which he was a member of, to thank him and also to ask for his help to make Shiomi Academy more fun. It seemed that she had also received a text from the shepherd, who is rumoured to appear before people who try their best to grant their wishes. One by one, other students also join their group with the shepherd's guidance. *Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order* ______________________________________________________________________________________________ This VN has 5 main heroines and 3 sub heroines... The routes of 4 heroines ( Shirasaki Tsumugi, Sakuraba Tamamo, Misono Senri & Suzuki Kana ) can be played in Any Order. Kodachi Nagi (True Route) can only be accessed after you've completed at-least one of the above 4 routes). However I would recommend playing Kodachi Nagi last. (True Route choices have a special bookmark indicator) Each Route has an Appendix scenario which gets unlocked after finishing the respective routes..These scenarios come in the form of an extra H scene..so don't miss out on those.. The Main Menu background can be changed after clearing each route..simply click on the logo to do so..There is a new image for every route cleared. The other 4 heroines also have True endings that are Branched off from Nagi Route. Consider doing them Last after Nagi Route Save / Load points have been added for convenience purposes. However, should you find yourself stuck in any situation, it is recommended to complete said route from beginning to end without using any checkpoints. The savepoints follow the order in which the routes appear below. *Route Guideline * ________________________________________________________________________________________ There are 5 Main Heroines and 3 Sub heroines and can be completed in any order. Kodachi Nagi(True Route) requires you to complete at-least one of the other 4 heroines before you can start her route. The other 4 main heroines and the 3 sub heroines can be played in any order.. True Endings for other 4 heroines are unlocked after finishing Kodachi Nagi Route. It is advisable to follow the ending guidelines stated above. Lets Begin *** Main Heroines *** Shirasaki Tsumugi Sakuraba Tamamo Misono Senri Suzuki Kana *** Sub-Heroines *** Mochizuki Maho Serizawa Miyu Ureshino Sayumi *True Endings* ==================================================================================================== Kodachi Nagi Shirasaki Tsumugi Misono Senri Sakuraba Tamamo Suzuki Kana *Attribution* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ This Walkthrough was referenced from Seiya Saiga as well as my own playthrough of the VN. Thanks to Shaun and other Fuwanovel members for feedback that was then implemented where possible.0 points