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Everything posted by Dergonu

  1. Haha, what! Best thing I've read all day. Just wait till she asks what that game he bought last month is about. Should be a fun conversation.
  2. Quick reminder to remember to use spoiler tags.
  3. Cool. Yeah I dont know about the other routes, but I felt that the choices in Rinne´s route were extremely obvious. The only thing I was stuck at when I started was who to choose to begin the correct routes. (Feel kinda silly in retrospect, as that part was the most obvious.)
  4. Had the same problem yesterday. It seems that the way the routes works are: Choose the same girl 5x to enter her route. During the routes there will be 1 definitive choice that leads to either a good or a bad ending Kanaes route is unlocked after completing Nemu´s And there is apparently a true end, though I haven´t gotten to that point. Wait for @Kawasumi to tell you how that works.
  5. Hm, well my Japanese isn't very good. I am terrible at reading kanji at the moment. Does it happen to be in 100% hiragana? 3, 5, is the couple in that Mai x Reo?
  6. I´ve played nr 1 and 6, Nanami x Yuuna. I know its pretty much just a yuri nukige, but those two games I honestly enjoyed, mainly because of the colorful, cute and funny characters. Yuuna and Nanami pretty much makes the game entertaining even when they aren't ... you know... Playing chess. ( .. what a horrible analogy) That being said, I am wondering if the other games are at all worth it? For the ones that introduce new couples, are the characters enjoyable similarly to Yuuna and Nanami, or is the only appeal for this franchise´s games the fact that its yuri with like a billion H-Scenes? (Not really interested in the ones that introduces several couples at the same time, as they changed the art style of Yuuna-Sama and Nanami-Chan, which I find to be unacceptable and unforgivable!)
  7. School days https://vndb.org/v14 - If you dare If my heart had wings - https://vndb.org/v9093 Also, for what its worth, Yosuga no Sora has the true route translated. Most people would play the game just for Sora. ( Sorry for the repeat, but any chance I have to talk about Sora I will take! Sora is love, Sora is life! )
  8. Oh wow, alright. Well that was simple. Thanks guys. Loving the read so far, although its very different from anything I've read before, I am like glued to the screen. Its really mytserious and almost ... Yeah, confusing. Rinne's ending ... not quite sure what just happened. Alright. Time to keep reading, now I am really intruiged.
  9. Ok, been playing this all day and I think I've finished Rinne's route. Or at least parts of it. (got some form of ending, but idk if its a good or bad end to be honest.) I'm ... Uh, slightly confused. Does anyone have an english walkthrough for this? I dont really understand the way the route system works yet, and its quite confusing trying to figure it out. Would love it if someone could whip up a fast english guide or link me to one, (cant seem to find one anywhere)
  10. We don't have anybody helping us in regards to that category. Would you be interested in helping? I'm aware of the Grisaia no Meikyuu bug now, I will fix it soon.. I haven't too many of the VNs listed, so I don't think I would be the best fit for that job. I'd be willing to help with the few novels I have read, but I'm afraid it wouldn't put too much of a dent in the large amount of novels listed. Perhaps someone else here on Fuwa would be willing to lend a hand? I checked a few: Grisaia no Kajitsu: The two aformentioned pictures needs to be changed. If my heart had wings - Seems fine. Nekopara vol 0 - Seems fine Katahane - Fine. One or two pics seems to be fan art instead of in game screenshots, but no spoilers. Yosuga no Sora - seems fine, same here, 1 pic fanart, no spoilers. School days - Seems fine As for the Grisaia pics, these two are the ones that needs changing:
  11. Can you link me or direct me to those offending screenshots? There are some visual novels that I haven't played and I'm unaware of whether they are spoilers or not. Like this Might be good to get someone who has played each individual game to look it over and tell you what is and isnt a spoiler then. The ones I noticed that were the most spoilery was in Grisaia no Kajitsu. 1 Picture, the one to the far left is a big spoiler, and its also from the third game, not from Kajitsu. The one on the far right is a big spoiler to Yumiko's route in the first game. The rest on Kajitsu seems fine. EDIT: Also, seems the Grisaia no Meiykuu link is broken. I dont know if you are aware of that or not.
  12. You should def do something about the spoiler pics. I havent dared click any of the novels I havent actually read yet, but the ones I have read, do have big spoilers in the screenshots. For now, just go with what is avialable on VNDB in order to not put off possible alpha-testers due to spoilers. As for the idea behind the site, I personally like it. If you make this work I think it would be a great place for western readers to come and discover new novels they can read. It is true that VNDB can be overwhelming and hard to understand for new readers. You should probably consider putting in some information about how to patch a game, (how to install translation patches for RAW games, how to patch if my heart had wings steam version etc), in the information about the game as that will most likely be the biggest hurdle for most western readers. It is also the one thing lacking from VNDB in my opinion. You can see (Enligsh: Patch) and click it to go to the site, but there isnt direct instructions easily available on VNDB for most games. If your site has that, it might be more user friendly. The genres seem to be jubmled and very randomly sorted at the moment, but I assume this will be corrected more as its still only in pre-alpha. I think its smart to make sure the novels are put in order by translated [lisenced], patched and untranslated once its done, again making it easier for western readers to know what to read.
  13. Of course. Just wondering what people generally prefer, if there is a simple choice between the two. To be honest, I could read a super boring story of Sachi literally just going shopping or something as everything she does is just priceless. That goes for most characters in Grisaia. They are all wonderful.
  14. When you are reading a VN, what is the most important element for you? Is it the story and how it unfolds or is it the characters and their development throughout it? Can you read a novel that has really good story but "bad" characters that you can't really connect to? For me it has to be characters. I do love a good story, but if I cant really feel anything towards the characters then the story doesn't really mean that much. Like, I just dont really care what happens to them. Also, putting a spin on it, I am more than capable of reading a somewhat boring and dull story if the characters are super interesting/funny/cool, what have you.
  15. yeah with this kind of thing, I guess if you dont like the genre you wont like the game. Personally wondering if the story makes it worth it. Based on the trial, I'd say it is. Wont know untill I've finished the entire thing though. you know nothing about the story from just playing the trial. Trust me. nothing. I dont know if this a good thing or a bad thing Guess I have to play it to find out. Like the new profile pic btw
  16. yeah with this kind of thing, I guess if you dont like the genre you wont like the game. Personally wondering if the story makes it worth it. Based on the trial, I'd say it is. Wont know untill I've finished the entire thing though.
  17. Ah thank you! I'm not the only one who does this! I have folders of it on my computer.
  18. Ah yeah, that would be swell. On a kinda unrelated note, is it just me or is SP really lazy with their website? Like, they almost never post any updates on it, and under their portfolio, Clannad is still listed as "release date: TBA". Seems kinda sloppy.
  19. Haha. Yeah, thats one of the things I love about Yuuji as a main character. He says something funny or inappropriate every other sentence. Also, how that rubs off on Makina is priceless. Michiru and Sachi together is also incredibly funny.
  20. There is a free and quite long DEMO on Mangagamer site. Why would not you just download it and play, to understand it for yourself? It is not like 10 minutes and that's all, it is quite long and would be enough to understand, if you want to proceed with that or not. I actually decided that I do not want it, no matter how it was praised, did not catched me. Yes, if you scroll up a little bit on this thread you will see that I have indeed downloaded the demo. I was not aware that there was a demo when I made the thread though, so thats why I didn't do that right away.
  21. I wouldn't say is just slighty disturbing parts in this game. I really would recommend you read the description of the game in the vndb to get an idea of what the game is about. Uh yeah badly worded on my part. "Thought it looked highly disturbing" = Went over to VNDB and read about it + looked at some CG. But it seemed a lot of people were hyped for the release and spoke about it as if it was really good, and that peaked my interest. Hence the thread. I didn't want to google too much about it, as it seems like a mystery ish kind of thing, and if those are spoiled its kind of boring going through the story. Doing the demo atm, and it seems I might buy this. The mystery element and chilling vibe it gives off seems interesting. The ... Disturbing CG and messed up stuff I can tolerate. .. (maybe... we´ll see xD)
  22. well I think most players are going to go through the game as speedy as possible. (Aka the good old CTRL mash technique)
  23. What version of windows are you on? It could be that the restoration patch was not properly installed, which could be fixed by a fresh install. If you are on windows 8.1/8, there is a common issue where sprites disappear and cause errors, this can often be fixed by setting the text format to Japanese if its not already set. (This is different from the system locale) Also, have you tried the suggested fixes in the "community hub" section on steam? There is a list of possible fixes under there. Personally I fixed the sprite issue with a fresh install + setting the text format to Japanese.
  24. Haha, yeah thats what I was afraid of xD
  25. Hmm, cool. Now I´m kind of intrigued. Is the trial version available on Mangagamer for everyone? (in class so I dont feel safe opening that site myself to check at the moment xD)
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